再次踏入城市的路上 embarking on the city road again 已是灯火阑珊It ‘s already late night, with all city lights on 细雨打在我的身上 the drizzle and wind remind me of sad feelings 夜风吹起忧伤 多年飘泊流浪 always on the way 远别我的故乡 far away from my home 那里有妻子爹娘 away from my beloved families 还有儿女成双 不是喜爱游荡 it’s not what I like 只因任重如山but what I have to ,out of responsibility 岁月随风飘散 time waits for no man 相聚时难别也难 gathering is rare and it’s hard for me say goodbye ; 人生百年一晃 time really flies 快乐时短苦也短 both happy time and unhappy one; 一次次告诉自己 I just keep telling myself: 莫要放弃希望never give up 不能犹豫彷徨 never hesitate 但愿风雨过后就有阳光after the rain, there may be sunshine 相信风雨过后定有阳光 there is always sunshine after the rain 盘点07随笔,八月回武汉途中所写,英文乃朋友添加。 |