1、China's economy grew 7 timesas fast as America's over the past decade (316% growth vs. 43%). 在过去的十年间,中国经济增长速度是美国的7倍(316%增长率对比43%)。 2、China's GDP per capita is the91st-lowest in the world, below Bosnia &Herzegovina. 中国的国内人均生产总值世界排名91位,在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那后面。 3、85 percent of artificialChristmas trees are made in China. So are 80 percent of toys. 85%的人造圣诞树是中国制造的。80%玩具是中国制造的。 4、If he spent his ENTIRE YEARLYINCOME on housing, the average Beijing residentcould buy 10 square feet of residential property. 普通的北京居民花费他所有的年总收入,能买到10平均英尺的房子。 5、China has more pigs than thenext 43 pork producing countries combined. 中国拥有的猪,比43个猪肉生产国的总和还要多。 6、Chinese consume 50,000cigarettes every second. 中国人每秒消费5万支烟。 7、America's fastest "highspeed" train goes less than half as fast as the new train between Shanghaiand Beijing (150 mph vs 302 mph). 美国最快的高铁,速度比中国上海和北京的新高铁的速度的一半还少(150 mph vs 302 mph)。 8、China's enormous Gobi Desertis the size of Peru and expanding 1,400square miles per year due to water source depletion,over-foresting, and over-grazing. 中国庞大的戈壁沙漠跟秘鲁一样大小,而且每年以1400平均英里的速度扩大,由于水资源的消耗,过度砍伐和放牧。 9、China has 64 million vacanthomes, including entire cities that are empty. 中国所有城市共有6400万空置房子。 10、The world's biggest mall isin China... but it has been 99% empty since 2005. 世界上最大的商场在中国…但在2005年起,99%是空的。 11、By 2025,China will build enough skyscrapers to fill TEN New York-sized cities. 到2025年,中国会建足够的摩天大厦,会形成10个纽约般大小的城市。 12、By 2030,China will add more new city-dwellers than the entire U.S. population. 到2030年,中国增加的新的城市居民,比整个美国人口还多。 13、Chinese are almost twice aslikely to believe in evolution as Americans. 中国信仰进化论的人数可能是美国的两倍。 14、When you buy Chinese stocks,you are basically financing the Chinese government. Eight of Shanghai's top tenstocks are government owned. 当你购买中国股票时,你基本上就是在为国家筹措资金。 15、 Chinese GDP could overtakethe U.S. in less than 15 years. 中国的GDP能在未来15年内就会超过美国。